Anonymization for Compliance: Yes, but Use It for Protection and Knowledge, Too!

22 Sep 2022
08:00 AM to 09:00 AM
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Anonymization has become a key feature for both public administrations and the enterprise sharing personal data across jurisdictions and for GDPR compliance. 

However, the roles of Data Controllers and Data Officers are still unclear for many, as it is the need for efficient anonymization and pseudonymization. There are many advantages to having clear anonymization policies, beyond the simple compliance with GDPR/HIPPA/CCPA/API or LGPD to avoid fines.

The same techniques can be applied to identify, mine and extract knowledge from Big Data, to obfuscate content, or to ensure key entities and people that need [or need not] be mentioned are actually mentioned [or not]. Pseudonymization has been used to create and monetize data safely and feed AI systems. 

In this session we will learn...

1. If our organization is a data officer or data controller. 

2. How to act accordingly. 

3. What benefits anonymisation offers (compliance and beyond).

4. Basic GDPR concepts and how they affect an IT department and data being shared daily from an organization (mails, documents, pptx, etc.).

5. NLP features within anonymisation that offer key knowledge extraction.


Host organization: Pangeanic

Event Speakers

Manuel Herranz

Manuel is a language industry veteran and leader of MT developments at Pangeanic since 2007, creating the first Moses-based TM+MT workflow at industry, then moving to neural networks in 2017 and transforming Pangeanic into a NLP solutions company. He has been a frequent speaker at events (TAUS, LocWorld, European Commission) and has led several digital infrastructure projects for the EU and R&D in Spain. One of the most successful ones has been MAPA (Multilingual Anonymisation for Public Administrations), which has become part of the NLP tools of eTranslation, and a core system at the Spanish Ministry of Justice and the European Ombudsman’s national offices.

Amando Estela

Amando became Pangeanic’s CTO in 2017 after successful career as head of cybersecurity for Spanish banks. Previously, he spent 20 years at IBM in different roles in Spain, France and the Watson Center (US). Amando is an astrophysicist by training, and his first papers and experiences were at observatories in the Canary Islands. He brings a wealth of managerial and development experience to Pangeanic.