Language and Localization Technologies

Overview of the core language and localization technologies available

Language and localization technologies are essential for the efficiency and productivity of language services companies (LSCs). These technologies include translation memory, CAT tools, and translation management systems, all designed to streamline translation processes. Machine translation and AI-based technology further enhance the accuracy and speed of translations.

GALA members leverage these advanced language technologies to deliver high-quality services. By integrating cutting-edge localization technologies, LSCs can effectively manage global content and meet diverse client needs. These innovations in language and localization technologies continue to drive the industry's evolution, ensuring precise and efficient language services.

Below is a small list of commonly used language and localization technologies.

Computer-aided translation (CAT) is the use of software to assist a human translator in the translation process. The translation is created by the human translator while certain aspects of the translation process are facilitated by software, also known as CAT tools.

CAT tools is a broad term and typically includes any and all programs that facilitate the actual translation process. Most CAT tools include the following:

  • ability to translate a variety of source file formats in a single editing environment without the translator needing to use the file format's associated software,
  • translation memory (TM), and
  • various utilities or processes that are integrated into the software and increase translator productivity and consistency.

Read more about CAT Tools

Machine Translation (MT) or automated translation refers to the process when computer software translates a text from the source language into the target language without human intervention.
There are three types of machine translation methods, described here in simple terms:

  • Rules-based machine translation uses grammar and language rules that have been developed by language experts, as well as customized dictionaries
  • Statistical machine translation learns how to translate by analyzing a large number of existing human translations
  • Neural machine translation teaches itself how to translate by using a large neural network. This method is becoming increasingly popular as it often provides the best results.


Read more about Machine Translation

A translation memory (TM) is a database that stores sentences, paragraphs, or segments of previously translated text. Each entry, or segment, in the translation memory includes the source language and its corresponding target language entry. These pairs are called translation units, or "TUs".

Translation memories are used with translation software or CAT tools and automatically suggest either stored identical or similar matches as new documents are being translated. This means that sentences, paragraphs or segments that have previously been translated don't need to be translated again.


Read more about Translation Memory

A translation management system (TMS) refers to software that automates all repeatable and non-essential aspects of the human translation process thereby maximizing translator efficiency. A translation management system typically includes both process management technology to automate the work flow and linguistic technology to aid the translator in the translation process.


Read more about TMS

Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) technology leverages cloud-based platforms to deliver remote simultaneous interpretation thereby reducing the delivery costs of simultaneous interpreting.


Read more about Remote Interpreting