GALA Top Localization Content - August 2023

It’s time for our recap, and whether you missed an issue or just need a refresher, the GALA teams has gathered some of our most popular topics for the month of August that you won't want to miss.

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Could Going Hybrid Be the Future of Enterprise Localization? - Ramona Wuehle

What does localization project management look like from a client-side organization's perspective? According to Ramona Wuehle (Language Manager at Coupa software), an efficient enterprise-level localization process requires the right combination of internal resources and external vendors.

Like any other job, the Project Manager's role has evolved dramatically over the past 10 years.  Client needs and expectations have changed, technology has changed, and localization professionals have had to raise the bar.


Are you interested in discussing the many aspects of this evolution with other industry professionals? We have a GALA Academy event coming up that will give you an overview of what localization project management looks like today, as well as some tools to help you stay relevant to your clients, be efficient, and add value where needed.

Mobile App Development with Localization In Mind - Or, A Developer’s Illustrated Primer - Zalan Meggyesi

There are a number of frameworks that can help with app development. Here is an detailed overview of the four most popular mobile frameworks. Zalan Meggyesi (Chief Solutions Architect at Easyling) has written a 3-part guide on this topic. The first part gives an overview of the different frameworks available; the second part delves into the advantages of the Flutter framework for both app development and localization; and finally, the third part analyzes the use of the Flutter framework from a business decision perspective.

Would you like to increase efficiency and maybe even add a touch of automation to your processes and workflows? On 30 August, István Lengyel (CEO of BeLazy) will give a webinar of all aspects of automation. And he'll be game for an ask-me-anything about this topic. 

The Global Application of Inclusive Language - Alison Toon

 The move to implement more inclusive language to deliver content that does not exclude people on the grounds of gender, race, class, sexuality, disability, or any other criteria, is changing how organizations communicate. What does it mean to use inclusive language in an international context? What are the challenges for the use of inclusive language in the localization industry? Alison Toon (Senior Analyst at Commons Sense Advisory) reflects on why inclusive language is everyone's concern.

For more on this topic, you can...

There is no inclusivity without accessibility (and vice versa, of course). We have scheduled a webinar on this topic for August 31st: The Dell team will talk about their journey toward accessibility and how,  since 2021, Dell has been upskilling their translation team to better contribute to the company's accessibility efforts.



Before you go...

Please, take a look at our Call for Content for Q3.

We invite invite translation, localization, and interpreting professionals to share their expertise by creating and contributing relevant content.

You can write a blog post, an article, present a webinar, moderate a panel discussion, or do an interview with us. Opportunities abound!

Contact [email protected] to discuss your ideas.


Isabella Massardo

Content strategist at GALA. A linguist and technologist who has lived in Italy, Russia and the Netherlands. Through GALA, Isabella offers the translation community content that’s relevant, reliable, and timely. She is always on the lookout for thought-provoking globalization and localization topics.