AI in Global Digital Marketing Is Evolving Rapidly. Are You Keeping Up?

02 Feb 2023
08:00 AM to 09:00 AM
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The list goes on: chatbots, digital assistants, robots, AI-generated content, automated vehicles, machine translation, and AI-powered voice assistants. If you’re not a hermit or completely disconnected from the internet, you are impacted by Artificial intelligence (AI). Most likely, you’re already a savvy and daily consumer of AI solutions that make your life easier.

AI is today what the internet was back in the 80s and 90s. Can you imagine not having access to the internet today? In the future, most manual processes will be semi- or fully automated by an AI. Since 2020, investment in AI startups has grown by six times. And this is just the beginning.

Every day, new AI tools and technologies appear that are geared toward global and multilingual digital marketing. If you are not keeping up to date and starting to implement AI as part of your process, you’re falling behind.

You don’t need to be a Fortune 500 company to take advantage of AI tools and technologies. In fact, even micro-sized businesses can now deploy this strategy to gain a competitive advantage.

In this presentation, Chris Raulf, an international SEO expert and early adopter of AI tools & technologies to gain a competitive edge, showcases AI use cases and technologies to support global digital strategies.

You will learn how to deploy AI tools & technologies that could save you time and money and gain a competitive advantage simultaneously.

Host organization: Globalization and Localization Association

Event Speakers

Chris Raulf

Chris Raulf is the founder of CR Global Digital Marketing and Boulder SEO Marketing. The companies assist customers around the globe with all of their digital marketing needs. Chris is a global keynote speaker and his international background makes him one of the few professionals in the industry who truly live and breathe multilingual search engine optimization on a daily basis. Learn more about Chris and his companies by visiting and and by connecting with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.