GALA Top Localization Content - October 2023

It's time for our monthly recap! Whether you missed out or need a quick recap, the GALA Team's got the October highlights you can't afford to overlook. But before we start...


Call for Content Q4 2023

For our Call for Content for Q4 we want to delve into the limitless possibilities of innovation

  • Do you think the localization industry could use some more innovation?  
  • Picture a disruption that redefines the industry landscape. How would it revolutionize our way of doing things? 
  • When it comes to innovation, what's your company's philosophy? How important is innovation in your organization? 
  • Is there such a thing as too much innovation? Where should we draw the line? 
  • Has your company adopted any non-technical innovations in the past two years? We'd love to hear about your inventive solutions. 
  • Let’s talk about how innovation can contribute to an exit strategy. Any thoughts on that? 
  • Anything else? Let us know!

You can write a blog post, an article, present a webinar, moderate a panel discussion, or do an interview with us. Opportunities abound! Contact [email protected] to discuss your ideas.

Please note: Our calls for content are open to GALA members and non-members alike. GALA members will receive priority for publication.

pen on a white sheet of paper

[Recording] The Art of Sales in the Language Industry 

Watch the recording of Sam Hardy's presentation: A mini masterclass with proven and tested practical advice, that any company can begin to use and implement, which will ultimately result in an increase in sales.

webinar announcement: The Death of the Cold Email

Is it time for your team to review your company's sales strategy? In this webinar titled "The Death of the Cold Email" Colleen Beres and Marina Ilari (Terra Translations) will discuss alternative methods of engaging audiences to highlight everything a new partner is looking for.


Computer screen with code lines

[Recording] MTPE Outside the Box With AI (Part 1): From NMT to LLMs

AI, LLMs and NMT: How do you safely open the door to MTPE when AI comes knocking? Watch the recording of this webinar presented by Viveta Gene to get insight into the transition from NMT to LLMs as well as into the impact of LLMs on MTPE and ethical challenge.

Complement this with Part 2: "Thinking Outside the Box with A (Part 2): Improve Translation Quality, Cost and Turn-Around Times in Game Localization"  to delve deeper into strategies to reach a high quality level when post-editing with AI.  

Curious to see how GenAi can turn translators into Language Flow Architects? We recommend "The Birth of the Language Flow Architect", a webinar sponsored by Bureau Works.

Complement also with the following AI-related content:



[Article] Accessibility: The Ultimate Form of Localization

A good approach to localization should be both inclusive and accessible. Adapting a message to a new market involves translating it, but also making it culturally appropriate and easily understood by every person in the target audience.

For more on accessibility, we recommend "Dell's Journey Towards Accessibility": Watch this recorded webinar and learn how since 2021 Dell has been upskilling their translation team to better contribute to the company's accessibility efforts.

Complement also with the following suggestions:



Isabella Massardo

Content strategist at GALA. A linguist and technologist who has lived in Italy, Russia and the Netherlands. Through GALA, Isabella offers the translation community content that’s relevant, reliable, and timely. She is always on the lookout for thought-provoking globalization and localization topics.