[GALA Valencia 2024] Scaling Executive Coaching with AI - Mission Possible?

22 Apr 2024

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Executive Coaching is an expensive talent development line item, thus is typically deployed only at upper levels of the organizational chart. Might AI based coaching systems enable a scalable model with access beyond senior leadership? I gathered input from the International Federation of Coaches (ICF), a comprehensive client survey, and personal experience as an AI coachee. 

You will also hear from a G11n industry icon who is a long term i3 Coaching client.

The future (and the present) of AI based coaching systems may surprise you. Bring an open mind.

Host organization: Globalization and Localization Association

Event Speakers

Shelly Priebe
i3 Coaching

As a turnaround CEO Shelly experienced the transformation possible when teams engage, disruption is welcomed, and culture is curated. Her successes and failures have contributed to her development; as a coach since 2010 she now helps clients discover their own wisdom. Shelly is certified by ICF (International Coaching Federation) as a Master Coach and also holds an ICF advanced certification for Team Training. While energized by face to face interactions and public forums, she also nurtures her “inner introvert” in her Tree House office overlooking Lake Austin in Texas. Her dogs rejoice that their daily trail runs are only occasionally interrupted by her travel. While Shelly wears many hats, “Mom” of four age range 16 to 30 is a favorite, and she added the title of “Gogo” with the birth of her first Grandchild in 2021.