The Power of an Inclusive Mindset

29 Feb 2024
08:00 AM to 09:00 AM
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Interacting with people from different races, genders, ages, nationalities and cultures is the norm whether at work, in our communities, or while traveling. While diversity is a reality, inclusion is a choice. Organizations are increasingly undertaking diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives as they understand the value of diversity. But what can we do on a personal level to develop the inclusive mindset needed to adapt and navigate our differences? Like any skill, developing an inclusive mindset is a habit that takes commitment and practice.

During this this session, CultureWiz owner and president Sylvia Gonner will share her proven method from years of practice working with people from around the world to help anyone unlock the power of an inclusive mindset. Come prepared to be transformed and become a champion for inclusion!


•    Understand the first rule of an inclusive mindset.
•    Learn three habits to become inclusive.
•    Adopt new behaviors to thrive in a diverse world.

Host organization: Globalization and Localization Association

Event Speakers

Sylvia Gonner

Sylvia Gonner, CAE, President and Owner of CultureWiz is a business consultant, trainer, keynote speaker, facilitator, blogger, and author specialized in international relations, cross-cultural communications, global mindset training, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). She has extensive, first-hand experience helping people build bridges across diverse cultures and is a licensed facilitator of Adapt & Succeed Abroad, coaching expats and executives throughout their global mobility journey.  Sylvia Gonner regularly writes articles and blogs and recently published The Global Side of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the publication Associations Evolve 2023 and Beyond. Read her blogs on her website and view sample presentations on her YouTube Channel. She currently serves as Chair of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) International Associations Advisory Council.  Sylvia speaks 6 languages, has worked on all continents, and has interacted with many cultures while traveling to more than 70 countries. She’s a Certified Association Executive (CAE) who holds a B.A. in Communication and an M.A. in International Studies from Florida International University.