[GALA Valencia 2024] From Humans to Machines: Revolutionizing Video Localization with AI

23 Apr 2024

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In the rapidly evolving technological age, video localization emerges as a critical domain undergoing profound changes. This presentation chronicles Adobe's transformative path shifting from traditional, human-centric video localization techniques to a fully automated, AI-powered video localization process that bypasses any human involvement. Central to our exploration is a comparative analysis: where do humans excel in the video localization spectrum and where does AI? We'll delve deep into the intricacies of automating video localization, highlighting challenges like maintaining synchronization, ensuring fluency, and capturing the right context in translations.

Our discourse extends to strategies for scaling video localization. We'll dissect when to judiciously deploy AI and when human touch remains irreplaceable, all while illuminating the tangible business impacts of such technological integrations.

More than a narrative of our evolution, this session is designed to equip participants with pragmatic strategies for expanding their video localization efforts, spotlighting the transformative potential of AI in this domain with a sneak peak into Adobe's AI video localization tool - Voxify.

Host organization: Globalization and Localization Association

Event Speakers

Shivali Goel
Adobe Systems Inc.

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